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/Choosing the Right Pipette Tip for Your Application
Choosing the Right Pipette Tip for Your Application
September 07, 2022

Choosing the Right Pipette Tip for Your Application

Pipette tips come in a whole range of varieties – non-sterile, sterile, filtered, unfiltered, long, short, low retention, wide bore and more – and there are many factors to deliberate when choosing the right tip, from the property of the liquid being pipetted to the type of application. Nanjing superfit understands the intricacies and implications of choosing the correct tip and offers a range of high-quality options to meet any need.

The first thing to consider when choosing your pipette tip is the required task. For example, sterile tips are essential for cell-based applications, and filtered tips are ideal for pipetting liquids that may contaminate or damage your pipette, such as radioactive or infectious samples. But quality, fit and stable supply are also important factors to ensure your lab work remains uncompromised. Low quality or poorly fitting tips can negatively impact the reproducibility of your results, meaning that you will need to repeat experiments, wasting valuable time and money.

Nanjing superfit’s GripTips are designed to fit the company’s broad range of pipettes perfectly and are manufactured under strictly controlled conditions, backed by the VIAPURE statement of quality. And for continuous peace of mind, INTEGRA promises customers a consistent and reliable supply, making sure your research continues without untimely interruptions due to lack of labware. So every time you start your lab work, take a moment to ensure you are selecting the correct tip to maximize the quality and reproducibility of your experiments.

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