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/What is an ice pack?
What is an ice pack?
October 20, 2022

What is an ice pack?

An ice pack or gel pack is a portable bag filled with water, refrigerant gel, or liquid, meant to provide cooling. They can be divided into the reusable type, which works as a thermal mass and requires freezing, or the instant type, which cools itself down using chemicals but can only be used once. The instant type is generally limited to medical use as a cold compress to alleviate the pain of minor injuries, while the reusable type is both used as a cold compress and to keep food cool in portable coolers or in insulated shipping containers to keep products cool during transport.

Fillable Ice Pack Bag: This pack contains 3 ice packs for headaches, cuts and scrapes, or aches and pains.

Cold Therapy: Cold therapy helps reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain; refillable ice packs for injuries are perfect for soreness from outdoor activities, sports, or the gym.

High Quality: The fillable water bags are made of PVC-coated polyester fabric and feature a leak-proof plastic cap with a 1.7-inch diameter opening.

Easy to Use: Fill the ice pack for cooler reusable 3/4 full of ice and water and twist shut to avoid water leakage.

What's Included: You will receive three different sized fillable water bags: 1 Small (5.8 inches), 1 Medium (9 inches), and 1 Large (10.5 inches); 3 bags total.

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